September 28, 2023
Dear Community,
This past week has been a good week for Israel. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu gave an outstanding speech at the United Nations that we all can be proud of. He spoke of the coming rapprochement with Saudi Arabia. Already, the Tourism Minister is in Saudi Arabia.
The chief Rabbi of Saudi Arabia, Rabbi Jacob Israel Herzog must be delighted. He can expect many visitors soon.
We welcome the new Consul General Israel Bachar to the Western Region. He is a skilled and gifted personality that we hope to welcome soon to our Iranian American Jewish Federation.
I regret to inform you that Farzad Javidzad, a Jewish Iranian has died in the notorious Evin Prison due to lack of medical attention.
Rabbi Weinberg welcomes you to celebrate Sukkot at our Center.
Happy Sukkot.
M. Elie Alyeshmerni

Pictured from Left to Right:
Manochehr Nazarian, IAJF Chairman- Board of Directors, Former Consul General Dr. Hillel Newman, Consul General Israel Bachar, M. Elie Alyeshmerni-IAJF President, Elham Yaghoubian-IAJF Executieve Vice President

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
2023 UN General Assembly Speech
September 22, 2023

Hollywood Temple Beth El invites the community to share in the Season of Our Rejoicing this Saturday morning, first day of Sukkoth, September 30, in the Main Sanctuary. Festive services will begin at 10:00 am, followed by group singing and hora dancing. We will all go in to make kiddush in the Sukkah.
The Sukkoth festival commemorates the march of Israel across the Sinai from Egyptian slavery to freedom in Israel. The Sukkah, covered by branches, reflects the ideal of the peaceful protection of God and an appreciation of the harvest of wine and olives in ancient Israel. For that reason, we are obliged “to sit in the Sukkah” and “to be very joyous.” The other symbol of Sukkoth, the Lulav and Etrog are used starting on Sunday, the 2nd day.
If you enjoy our services and our efforts, please show us your encouragement by attending and supporting us with your donation so we can continue to serve the community.
Chag Sameakh.
Rabbi Norbert Weinberg and the members of Hollywood Temple Beth El

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