Dear Community, 

We are pleased to showcase Farhad (Mark) Haloossim, the Secretary for the organization and a great resource for ideas to improve our community.  We are grateful for the role he plays as well in the Emergency Fund.

We encourage you to sign up for and attend the second in our series on Iran and the Jews  co-sponsored by PACAN by attending the lecture of Dr. Hillel Newman, the Consul General of Israel,  who wrote  his doctorate thesis  on the Second Temple Period which consists of the Persian, Greek and Roman periods.  Please join us on July 31 (flyer below). 

Wishing you a pleasant shabbat.

M. Elie Alyeshmerni

In this parsha, Moses approaches Hashem to appoint a new leader. In their search, Moses asks that his successor be someone who meets a specific criterion: someone who is cooperative and respectful of people’s differences, someone who is both very great and yet very humble, someone who leads front the front and never in hiding – but he or she must not be so far out in front that when they turn around, they find that no one is following. Pace is of the essence, because sometimes a leader can go too fast for those who are not yet prepared to listen. These are three essential attributes that Moses asks to be met and that Joshua learned through a long apprenticeship beside him.

Mark Haloossim was born in 1953 in Tehran, Iran. He attended twelve years at Koroush, a Jewish day school. Mark left Iran when he was seventeen years old in order to receive his higher education in the United States.

He studied industrial and mechanical engineering at CSUN. In the past, Mark has served on the boards of the Beverly Hills Education Foundation, the Magbit Foundation, and had extensive involvement at Sinai Temple in a variety of positions.

He is currently serving on the Sinai Temple’s board of directors and  IAJF’s  board. Mark serves as the IAJF Executive Board’s Secretary and a member of  Emergency Fund Committee. Mark is also actively involved with many organizations who support Israel. Mark and his wife are blessed with two children and five  grandchildren.

We wish Shirin Raban success as she completes her documentary.
(Click on the trailer below)

Ohel Rachel History (LeShem Shamaiim)

With Hashem’s help to continue the traditions and for proper education of the next generations, Ohel Rachel started in 1991 in Tarzana. Only a few months later, a Gadol HaDor, Chacham Yehushua Netaneli became this new shul’s leader. The shul had the merit of having this humble leader for a few years. With his support, Ohel Rachel rented a small industrial unit and grew to become the home of many new immigrants from Iran and visitors from Israel and other countries. A place to be.  A place that said no to no one.

Rabbi Mahpari joined the shul as the Rabbi in 1996. He started having the following activities which have continued till now: 1) Additional Shabbat Minyanim, 2) Daily Gemara and Halacha classes, and 3) Daily Mincha/Arvit Minyan. 4) Torah classes.

Just before the millennium ended, Ohel Rachel moved to the current unit which is larger within the same complex. During this period, the shul grew from ~ 25 family shul to 100+ families. Many new members found the shul as a bridge to make their immigration a more tolerable experience. Children of the shul are now professionals and symbols of righteousness for their communities.

To date, the shul’s slogan has been to continue the tradition and handing it off to the next generation. Ohel Rachel now has a Youth group to cater to the new generation. While the elders are loyal, they are also symbols of a hand-off. Torah is our heritage and will be with us forever and ever.  For over twenty years, the shul has been teaching children not only be a successful in mundane matters but also in religious levels and Baruch HaShem. The successful children attest to fulfillment of this holy mission.

Due to lack of space for activities and various programs, Ohel Rachel purchased a piece of land in Tarzana and is currently building an approximately 6,000 square foot center. This center will be used by all generations, especially the youth to grow in Torah learning and religious fulfillment. The Torah Center with the help of Rabbi Shimon Mahpari and his wife has been a reference for many people whether to help marry the young generation or fixing Sefer Torah, checking MEZUZOT and Tehilim,  guiding the young couples, Shalom Bayit lectures, Shabbaton, and many other spiritually fulfilling activities.

The shul has many dedication  opportunities for this brand new Torah center and good cause (the name of building is still available). Anyone interested to have a portion in this important mission, please contact their office at (818)345-0613, or text (818)916-3184.

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